Thank you very much, Charlotte

sunshine awardYesterday, Charlotte’s Web nominated me for the Sunshine Award. It means a great deal to receive praise from another blogger. Thank you! To qualify, I am supposed to

Post the Sunshine Award logo. Done

Accept the nomination and link back to the nominator. I accept. See Charlotte’s link above.

Nominate ten other blogs and inform them of the nomination. Here they are:

Respond to the following:

Favourite colour: sapphire

Favourite number: zero

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: water

Favourite alcoholic drink: don’t drink enough to have a favorite

Facebook or Twitter: neither

My passions: my daughter, writing, dogs, movies, being alive

Giving or receiving gifts: giving

Favourite city: There are many to like.

Favourite TV show: Mad Men, The Big C, Call the Midwife, The Tudors



louis ckLouis CK’s comedy often leaves me wriggling with a kind of self-recognition that finds its way to the middle of where I am most ashamed of myself. Last night, for instance, while watching his new HBO special Louis CK: Oh My God, I had the sense that his riff on the evil he can become when he gets behind the wheel could have been my own, were I genius enough to write and deliver such a one.

Same went for his “of course — but maybe” bit, in which he reflects on what might be called an organ of wickedness that seems to reside somewhere in the mind and that makes it possible for us to be horrified by the idea of slavery and, at the same time, to be taken by a companion idea that, historically, slaves have been responsible for some of the greatest feats ever accomplished (as in the Pyramids).

Because I often have the feeling that I am alone in the darkness I can spin myself into, I was comforted by the routine itself and by the nervous laughter that accompanied it. What I most appreciated, though, was his reminder that we have a pretty sweet deal here, both because we have somehow been able to take ourselves out of the food chain and because we are alive, which in itself is a miracle. It is good to be reminded of that, and to be reminded of how lucky we are to be able to eat bacon.
